Well the topic might be bit misleading, I work full time as WordPress Developer and do freelance now and then, and I am totally happy with both. But now and then when I do hear form people or from potential clients about WordPress, I find it misleading. I have been told few times I am […]
I ran to a weird issue with one of my client project recently. The website was built with WooCommerce for shop. Please note my client website didn’t needed account pages and during test I noticed that Lost your password? url had been changed to some random urls. Initially it was pointing to My Account Page […]
I am WordPress Developer based in Sydney, and for past 5-6 year, I had been working as WordPress Developer. I had worked in various agencies, corporates and freelanced for businesses small to big mainly Sydney based. My current full time role is based for an agency looking after WordPress websites for a corporate company. They […]