The Case for W3 Total Cache

Until recently, I had been using file configuration, writing better code and minifying code to get better Google Page Speed Result. I wasn’t using any plugin to boost up the WordPress Websites I was building. This changed when I recently building up a website for a client, which had super heavy home page fairly big […]

why choose total cache

Until recently, I had been using file configuration, writing better code and minifying code to get better Google Page Speed Result. I wasn’t using any plugin to boost up the WordPress Websites I was building.

This changed when I recently building up a website for a client, which had super heavy home page fairly big Javascript files. I did my usual stuff writing proper code, minifying them, using best practices etc. But running Google Page Speed test gave me very low scores, that is, 56 for mobile website and 64 for desktop.

But when I did the page speed test it had fairly bad result. I had been hearing a lot about W3C Total Cache, and so many people were recommending it. I was quiet adamant not to use it but then I thought I should give it a try.

The result I got from the plugin was way beyond expectations and very good. Running on the shared hosting environment, the result I got was 77 for mobile and 84 for desktop. As a web developer it’s always good to find and test good plugins that helps my development and result better.

Then I thought of doing bit of experimentation. I did installed the plugin in my site and ran a test. To my surprise, in my website there wasn’t any change. The speed test returned the same result before and after the installation of the plugin. Though I have to say my website is done in minimalistic principle and is not that content heavy.

Overall Conclusion

W3 Total Cache is very good plugin and is well received in the WordPress Community. At the point of writing it had already been downloaded more than 3.6 Million time, and overall rating of the Plugin had been 4.5 out of 5 stars, and have more than 1300 reviews. The plugin is well maintained from time to time.

So the verdict is, it’s worthy installing on the website and giving it a try. Especially if website is bit content heavy and getting good traffic, this plugin is very good option.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.