TinyPNG – Compress PNG, JPG and WEBP Up To 90%

PNG Images are one of the most used formats as they are widely supported as well as one of the best ways to format transparent images. Drawback being these file formats can be relatively bigger in size. If the images files are bigger, consequences are it will slow down the loading of websites or apps. This is where TinyPNG comes into rescue by reducing the file size up to 90%.

As a WordPress Developer focusing around web size SEO Services, image file size is one of the most important aspects of my optimization process. So having a tool to do so is really important, what makes it even more interesting is that the tool I am referring to is free to use, and reduces your file size by up to 90%.

TinyPNG - An Introduction

TinyPNG is an image compression tool, which means TinyPNG helps to reduce the size of an image. Even though the name says “PNG”, TinyPNG helps you reduce the size of png, jpg and webp formatted files.

I only recommend and suggest products that I use personally, and have been using for a significant amount of time. TinyPNG is one of those tools/websites that I have used for a while and still keep on using as part of my website optimization.

What does TinyPNG do?

In simple terms, TinyPNG, helps you to reduce the filesize of images, including PNG, JPG, WEBP files using smart lossy compression technique.

The compressed images are almost identical to the original images, as TinyPNG uses selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, which helps in decreasing the file size.

It may sound like TinyPNG only helps in reducing file size, but if you think about Technical SEO side of the website, it helps to improve both page loading speed and PageSpeed Insights scores.

Why I love TinyPNG?

Let me cover this as a WordPress Developer specializing in SEO Services. As SEO WordPress Developer, improving the web vitals score and page loading speed is a really important part of my Technical SEO. TinyPNG helps me to improve my websites around these areas.

Let me cover some technical aspects.

TinyPNG improves my Web Vitals scores

Websites I built are comfortable sitting around 90+ scores for both mobile and desktop versions. If you have tried to optimize a website for PageSpeed scores, one of the most notorious parts of optimization especially for mobile devices is “First Contentful Paint”.

I don’t compromise design for the score though. Most of the time websites have a hero image, and making sure the image of the size is reasonable is top priority. This is where TinyPNG rocks. Having the hero image’s size under control is part of a high scoring strategy. And, this is where TinyPNG rocks.

TinyPNG helps improve website loading speed

Loading speed is the time taken for a browser to fully load the website including all assets such as css, javascript, and images.
Images can be highly criminal when it comes to images if they aren’t optimized properly. TinyPNG helps my websites load faster by helping me optimize images to reasonable size without losing quality.

TinyPNG helps you save money in storage and bandwidth

Are you aware that some of the premium hosting services only allow you metered bandwidth and storage? With TinyPNG and my images optimized, my website uses less storage as well as uses less bandwidth when someone visits my website.
If you are on premium hosting, with increasing traffic make sure your images are optimized, if you aren’t willing to pay for overage charges.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.