WordPress do get so many bad reps without any reason

Pretty sure you have heard about WordPress, good or bad. But the irony is that WordPress does get really bad rep which isn’t always true. In fact as WordPress Developer, I am defending that WordPress is really good framework and it might be the case that you or someone blaming WordPress might have made some […]

Pretty sure you have heard about WordPress, good or bad. But the irony is that WordPress does get really bad rep which isn’t always true. In fact as WordPress Developer, I am defending that WordPress is really good framework and it might be the case that you or someone blaming WordPress might have made some decision in hurry and without any research.

WordPress websites can be easily run within budget, provided they are low traffic websites or brochure based websites with low overheads. Here are some tips for running cheap WordPress websites.

So why does WordPress get bad reviews? Those bad review must come because of following:

  • Choosing WordPress for anything and everything
  • Hiring a designer to do development work
  • Cutting costs
  • Not scaling your web host

Choosing WordPress for anything and everything

As versatile and customisable WordPress, it does have its limitations. So when choosing WordPress as your framework, make sure you weigh it upon your requirements.

The irony is that even if you want to build highly complex stuff like Facebook, Linkedin, etc, you will find someone who will sell you to build on WordPress. Be realistic regarding your requirements. Don’t choose WordPress for anything or everything. Talk to someone who is knowledgeable about what s/he is doing.

Hiring a designer to do development work

A designer normally works on WordPress web design. I do agree, if your website is simple, with less traffic and doesn’t have complex stuff, a good designer with knowledge of using premium themes can be a good choice for you. This can be a really good choice for you.

BUT … if your website is a bit complex and performance of your website matters for your business revenue, you have to choose a WordPress Developer with decent track record. A good WordPress Developer will bring consistency in your website, avoid usage of plugins for minor functionality, value quality of code. This approach will be good for you for your long term ROI.

Just stick with the simple rule, if your website is complex or if it’s the forefront of your revenue stream, web designer design website and WordPress Developer builds website.

Cutting Costs

Cutting costs never helps. Whether it’s selecting a developer, or hosting or plugins, etc. Wrong selection piles up misery and over the long term it creates chaos.

In an ideal case, a good website is coded within the standard, the host is selected based on requirements and reputation, and plugins are selected with good research developed by company/developer with good reviews.

Good knowledgeable WordPress Developer is hard to find, and well code and optimised website multiplies its value over time. Well coded website is easy to manage, secured, optimised for SEO and helps in lead generation.

Likewise, a good stable host provides a platform for your website to run. It provides a platform to handle more traffic, load websites at good decent speed. On top it provides secured environment to run your website 24/7 365 days a year.

As with developer and hosting, plugins are to be selected wisely too. Sometimes a well-reputed plugin costs money. If it adds values to the website feature, it’s worth spending some money for better results. Cost-cutting over good plugins and selecting free plugins without any research in long cost money and reputation of your brand.

Not scaling your web host

The aim of every business is to grow. And with an overall good strategy, the website does grow with traffic. The scaling website should be part of your strategy too.

Don’t get me wrong here. But there are some decent shared WordPress web hosting available. But sometime website does outgrow these environments. Keeping an eye on your website is recommended and how your website is performing on the hosting environment. If needed it’s good to upgrading. With decent hosting and upgrade, website will run smoothly and faster.

Running a stable WordPress website takes a fair bit of effort. And hopefully this article might have given you some ideas about it.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.