How to Speed up WordPress websites?

One of the most asked question about any WordPress implementation is how to speed up WordPress websites. Though dependent upon various factors, good implementation of WordPress website can make website faster. Whether it’s for choosing a good website host or good WordPress theme, every minor bits help to speed up website speed. Web Host The […]

Though dependent upon various factors, good implementation of WordPress website can make website faster. Whether it’s for choosing a good website host or good WordPress theme, every minor bits help to speed up website speed.

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One of the most asked question about any WordPress implementation is how to speed up WordPress websites. Though dependent upon various factors, good implementation of WordPress website can make website faster. Whether it’s for choosing a good website host or good WordPress theme, every minor bits help to speed up website speed.

Web Host

The better your web host the faster your website will load. When choosing your web host do a good research before selecting. Go through the list of features provided by host, try to find what people are saying about it, and be more proactive. There are several options available for web hosting [ ], you can pick one depending upon your requirements and budget.

WordPress Theme

Another reason why your website is slow. Try avoiding bloated WordPress themes. When selecting a WordPress theme try to select a theme with a good reputation. It’s good to have a light weight theme that loads faster. If you are thinking of buying a premium theme for your website, select the one that have good reviews and that is not heavy.

Depending upon your budget, you might consider developing custom WordPress theme.

WordPress Plugins

Similar to WordPress theme, try selecting plugins wisely when adding to your website. Try to use fewer plugins and add them wisely as needed.

WordPress Caching

Caching is another best practices you can implement to boost up your website speed.

When selecting a web host, as stated above, try to find one which implements better caching at server level.

There are several WordPress plugins that are available to improve caching. My personal selection is WP Rocket, which is a reasonably priced premium plugin. If you are looking for free option my recommendation is W3 Total Cache.

WordPress Maintenance

It’s advised to update and upgrade WordPress core, theme and plugins for security as well as better user experiences.

Whenever there is any changes at code level there might be some changes that will help to load site faster.

When looking after your WordPress site and maintaining your website, make sure all your website assets. Try avoiding images and videos of larger file size. Try writing or using good quality codes and avoid bloated themes and plugins. Optimise your database at regular interval (only if you know what you are doing).

So why website speed matters?

Wondering why your WordPress website slow and why it matters?

Website speed is quiet crucial if you are looking at better conversion rates.

Website with good speed leads to better user experience, higher SEO rankings and good conversion rates.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO Services, SEM and Email Marketing.