WordPress 4.9.8 Maintenance Release

WordPress 4.9.8 Not a big fan of Gutenberg until now. Full stop. As WordPress Developer and being optimist, I hope someday this will yield in better web. With the release of latest WordPress version 4.9.8, shows the callout to install and try Gutenberg. If Gutenberg is enable it will be shown to Contributor and user […]

WordPress 4.9.8

Not a big fan of Gutenberg until now. Full stop. As WordPress Developer and being optimist, I hope someday this will yield in better web.

With the release of latest WordPress version 4.9.8, shows the callout to install and try Gutenberg.

If Gutenberg is enable it will be shown to Contributor and user above.

If you are Web Developer or website owner, don’t panic. If classic editor is installed Gutenberg callout will be hidden or you can deactivate Gutenberg by activating classic editor.

Finger crossed. Excited. Yes for sure.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.