WordPress web design inspirations Volume 3

Being a WordPress Developer with great respect for good web design, I do look around the web for inspiration if I have to design a site for a client. These are some of the websites I really liked and thought worth sharing. Good thing is that all/most of the websites I will be sharing are […]

Being a WordPress Developer with great respect for good web design, I do look around the web for inspiration if I have to design a site for a client. These are some of the websites I really liked and thought worth sharing.

Good thing is that all/most of the websites I will be sharing are built with WordPress. So this will provide you some ideas around WordPress web design around the industry.

WP Rocket

WordPress web design inspiration

WP Rocket is a WordPress caching plugin that optimizes and speeds up WordPress websites.
Things I liked about WP Rocket website design:

  • Nice and clean design
  • Awesome animation
  • Typography and icons
  • And of course loading speed optimization


WordPress web design inspiration

NordVPN is a VPN service provider.
Things I really liked about NordVPN website design:

  • High contrast dark blue theme
  • Great illustrations, they look amazing
  • Subtle animations and movements of web elements


WordPress web design inspiration
Katana (as mentioned in their website) is manufacturing ERP software.

What I loved about Katana website:

  • Presentation of content
  • Nice subtle animations


WordPress web design inspiration
Unbounce is a landing page builder.
What I really like about Unbounce web design:

  • Visual representation and presentation of content
  • Nice clean minimalistic design approach

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.