Unlocking the Power of Website Design: How it Shapes Your SEO Success

A well-designed website is critical to improving your SEO. It can impact your web vitals, on-page optimisation, and website architecture, which can improve your search engine rankings. With good design, you can provide a better user experience and ensure that search engines can understand and index your site’s content effectively.

SEO website design

Website design plays a critical role in determining a website's search engine optimisation (SEO) performance. There are several key factors to consider when it comes to designing a website that is optimized for SEO.

First, web vitals are becoming increasingly important in determining a website's search engine ranking. Google has introduced several new metrics related to web vitals, such as Core Web Vitals, which measure a website's loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Websites that perform well on these metrics are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages.

Second, website architecture is also important for SEO. A website's architecture should be organised and easy to navigate, with clear categories and subcategories that make it easy for users and search engines to find relevant content. A well-designed website architecture can also help to reduce page load times and improve user experience, both of which are important for SEO.

Finally, on-page SEO is critical for ensuring that each page on a website is optimised for search engines. This includes elements such as meta tags, header tags, and keyword placement. By designing each page with on-page SEO in mind, website designers can help to ensure that their website is optimised for search engines.

Web Vitals

Web vitals are a set of metrics that Google has introduced to measure the user experience of websites. These metrics include loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. The speed of a website is particularly important, as it can have a significant impact on user experience and search engine optimisation (SEO) performance.

Websites that load quickly are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages and provide a better user experience, which can lead to increased engagement and conversions.

Here are some ways in which website design can improve web vitals, leading to better user experience and SEO results.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

Thoughtful website design can help reduce First Contentful Paint (FCP) by optimising the loading of content on the website.

Here are some ways that good website design can help reduce FCP:

  1. Minimising the use of large, high-resolution images and videos that can slow down the website.
  2. Using efficient coding practices to ensure that the website's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are optimised for fast loading.
  3. Prioritising the loading of above-the-fold content that is visible to users when they first land on a webpage.

Largest Contentful Paint

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a web vital metric that measures the time it takes for the largest content element on a webpage to load. This could be an image, a video, or a block of text. A slow LCP can result in a poor user experience, as users may become frustrated waiting for the page to load.

Here are some ways that website design can help reduce LCP:

  1. Using compressed images or optimising images using appropriate image formats and sizes can help to reduce the file size of images and improve their loading times.
  2. Reducing the use of scripts and plugins that are not necessary or can cause delays in the loading of content can help to reduce the LCP.
  3. Prioritising the loading of critical resources, such as fonts and CSS, can help to ensure that the largest content element on the page can load quickly and efficiently.

Total Blocking Time

Good website design can help in reducing the Total Blocking Time (TBT) by optimising the website's layout, reducing the use of heavy scripts and plugins, and prioritising the loading of critical resources.

Here are some ways that website design can help reduce TBT:

  1. A well-designed website with a clear and organised layout can help to reduce the Total Blocking Time. This can be achieved by simplifying the website's design, reducing the number of elements on a page, and prioritizing the loading of above-the-fold content.

Cumulative Layout Shift

Good website design can help in reducing the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) by ensuring that the website's layout is stable and predictable.

Here are some ways that website design can help reduce CLS:

  1. A stable layout that remains consistent even as content loads can help to reduce the Cumulative Layout Shift. This can be achieved by using fixed dimensions for elements, avoiding dynamic ad placement, and reserving space for images and videos.
  2. Responsive design that adjusts the layout based on the user's device can help to reduce the Cumulative Layout Shift. This can be achieved by using responsive design techniques like using media queries to adjust the layout, using fluid grids, and avoiding fixed sizes for elements.
  3. Optimising images and videos by using appropriate formats, sizes, and resolutions can help to reduce the Cumulative Layout Shift. This can be achieved by compressing images and using modern video formats such as MP4

Speed Index

Good website design can help in improving the Speed Index by optimising the website's loading speed and ensuring a fast and smooth user experience.

Here are some ways that website design can help to improve the Speed Index:

  1. A well-designed website with a clear and organised layout can help to improve the Speed Index. This can be achieved by simplifying the website's design, reducing the number of elements on a page, and prioritising the loading of above-the-fold content.
  2. Reducing the number of HTTP requests needed to load a page can help to improve the Speed Index. This can be achieved by combining multiple scripts and stylesheets into single files, and minimising the use of third-party scripts and plugins.

Website Architecture

Website architecture refers to the way a website is structured and organised, including the navigation, page hierarchy, and URL structure.
A well-designed website architecture can help search engines crawl and index the site more easily, leading to improved SEO.

Here are some ways that website architecture can improve SEO:

  1. SEO siloing is a technique of organising a website's content into separate and distinct categories or "silos" based on related topics or keywords. Here are some key points on how SEO siloing can help improve SEO:
  2. Website design plays a crucial role in implementing SEO siloing, which involves grouping related content into silos for better organisation and optimisation. Good website design can create a clear and logical hierarchy of categories and subcategories, making it easier for search engines to understand and rank the site's content. Effective use of design elements such as navigation, layout, and internal linking can also improve user experience and reduce bounce rates, leading to better SEO performance. Overall, website design is an important factor in achieving successful SEO siloing and improving a website's overall SEO performance.
  3. A clear and intuitive navigation structure can help users find what they are looking for quickly and easily, which can improve their overall experience and keep them on the site longer.
  4. A logical page hierarchy helps to organise the site's content and makes it easier for search engines to understand the relationships between different pages and content on the site.
  5. Including relevant keywords in the website's URLs can help to improve SEO by making it easier for search engines to understand the content of the page.
  6. A mobile-friendly website design that is responsive and optimised for mobile devices can improve SEO by providing a better user experience and helping to improve the site's mobile search rankings.
  7. A website architecture that is designed for fast page load times can improve SEO by reducing bounce rates and keeping users engaged with the sit

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimisation of individual web pages to improve their visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are some key points on how on-page SEO can affect SEO and how a well-designed website can help to achieve it:

  1. On-page SEO involves a wide range of factors, including optimising title tags, meta descriptions, headings, content, images, and internal linking, among others.
  2. By optimising these factors, web pages can be more easily understood and indexed by search engines, leading to improved rankings and visibility in search results.
  3. A well-designed website can help to facilitate on-page SEO by providing a strong technical foundation for search engine crawlers to navigate and index the site's pages, as well as providing a user-friendly and engaging experience for visitors.
  4. Here are some ways that good website design can help to achieve on-page SEO:
    Clear and organised page structure: A clear and organised page structure can help search engines understand the hierarchy and importance of different content on the page, improving their ability to rank it appropriately in search results.
  5. Including relevant keywords in the page's URL can help to improve its visibility and rankings for those keywords.
  6. A website that is designed for fast page load times can help to reduce bounce rates and keep visitors engaged with the site's content, improving their overall experience and signaling to search engines that the site is high-quality and relevant.
  7. A mobile-friendly website design that is responsive and optimised for mobile devices can help to improve the site's visibility and rankings in mobile search results, which have become increasingly important in recent years.

By implementing on-page SEO best practices and designing a website that is optimised for search engines and user experience, businesses can improve their overall SEO performance and increase their visibility and rankings in search results.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO, SEM and Email Marketing.