What’s new in WordPress 3.6

WordPress 3.6 is going on full phase development. And lot of developers and designers are excited about what will be rolling out it the new version of wordpress. As a wordpress developer I am pretty excited about the latest version. But here within I am listing about the latest improvements for the WordPress User or […]

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Wordpress 3.6 is going on full phase development. And lot of developers and designers are excited about what will be rolling out it the new version of wordpress. As a wordpress developer I am pretty excited about the latest version.
But here within I am listing about the latest improvements for the Wordpress User or WOrdpress Bloggers rather than hard core programmer.

New Theme Twenty Thirteen
With the latest version of Wordpress is coming the latest version of Wordpress Theme called Twenty Thirteen.

Audio and Video Formats
By default the new theme will be able to embed these formats [videos and audio]. There won't be any need to use plugin of third party media hosting service.

This is one of my favourite enhancement. With new theme, posts and pages will be autosaved locally.
Just in case if your computer shuts down, or browser crashes or for any other reason, you won't be loosing any data or have to start from scratch.

Post Locking
In case there are multiple authors or contributors in the site, and one of the author is working on a blog or post or page, the latest version of Wordpress is able to detect that and will lock the post from other authors or contributors if s/he wants to edit the post. Isn't that neat and awesome.

Nav Menus
The main focus of Wordpress 3.6 is the improvement of UI(User Interface) experience. If you thought that Wordpress Dashboard looks awesome then wait for the release of the new version, its going to look even better. Its going to come with simplified accordion based UI to deals with Navigation menus.

About Author

Robin Thebe

Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined web developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO Services, SEM and Email Marketing.