Link Building Services Sydney

Ready to dominate SEO rankings with our natural, highly relevant link building services

With link building, it’s all about quality not quantity. We will help you get natural, highly relevant backlinks from authoritative websites. WP Guru is all about quality over quantity.

If so, send me a quick email and I will get back to you within 2 working days.

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High quality, Authoritative and Relevant Backlink Building Services

At WP Guru, we prioritize quality backlink services over quantity. The way backlinks work is it’s not the numbers that matter, it's all about relevancy, quality and high authority links. And, that’s how we focus.

Why choose WP Guru for Backlink Building Services?

At WP Guru, we pride in being upfront and transparent. We only take projects we can deliver, we try to underpromise and overdeliver. We believe in long term ongoing relationships, over making quick and easy monetary gains.

Good Ethics and Transparency

Good Ethics and Transparency

The SEO industry does get a bad name for being dodgy and not transparent. But at WP Guru, we pride in being transparent and doing everything ethically. This is reflected by our average client retention being more than 7 years.

When it comes to link building services, we choose our projects carefully and make sure we are both the right fit for each other. We just don’t take any project and start building links from link farms. Based on our experiences, SEO is a long term commitment, and we don’t take any shortcuts.

Solid outreach campaigns

Solid outreach campaigns

We at WP Guru’s main strategy is building great outreach campaigns for link building. We have built some good relationships with various bloggers, and our outreach campaigns are quite targeted too.

When we build outreach for new clients, we focus around various types of Outreach campaigns. If you are interested in our backlinks building services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

On-Page and Technical SEO

On-Page and Technical SEO

We have excelled and mastered On-Page and Technical SEO at WP Guru. So, if that part of your website is bothering you, we can have a look at it too.

So basically, we will look after your website including all aspects of SEO inhouse, from Sydney. We don’t outsource anything, everything is local.

FAQs - Link Building Services

We often get asked lots of questions around Link Building Services, here are some of the most asked questions.

  1. What is Link building service?

    Link building service is a specialized part of Search Engine Optimization that is focused on getting backlinks (links from other websites) to the client’s website. Building backlinks to the website can be one of the most significant factors in website rankings. But, only good authoritative, high quality and relevant links contribute to rankings. And, if backlinks are done unethically it causes more harm than good, even getting penalized form search engines like Google.

  2. What is an Outreach Campaign in Link Building?

    Outreach campaign in Link Building is the strategy of link building by reaching out to the website owners, bloggers, journalists and influencers to try to secure backlinks to the website.

  3. How many backlinks are needed to rank in page #1?

    It’s really hard to get an exact number. With backlinks, quality and relevance is more important than numbers. And, ranking also depends upon competition. If you are in a low competitive niche, you might rank with less number of backlinks. Whereas, if you are in a highly competitive niche, you will need more backlinks.