Content Management System

Content Management System, often referred to as CMS, is a software that helps users to manage content such as landing pages, blog posts, image galleries, forms etc. Well architect CMS helps users with minimum technical knowledge to manage their website without technical knowledge or help of designer or developer.

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Content Management System

Advantages of using
Content Management System

Investing in a Content Management System (CMS) could be one of the best investments for your business as it can help your website and brand grow over time.

Why choose WordPress as your Content Management System

WordPress is a versatile platform. Whether you are running a blog, lead generation, or ecommerce website, WordPress can be an ideal CMS for your business.

WordPress Content Management System FAQs

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about WordPress.

  1. What is WordPress?

    WordPress is a free, open source CMS that helps you create and manage your website and content.

  2. Do big brands use WordPress?

    WordPress powers more than 30% of websites. Some of the big brands using WordPress include Sony, Spotify, Toyota (Brasil) to name a few.

  3. How much does a WordPress website cost?

    Price of a WordPress website varies depending on the complexity of your website. For example, on an average website I build starts at 2,500 AUD.

  4. How long is the turnaround time?

    As with cost, turnaround time also depends on the complexity of your website. On average my turnaround time for websites is 4-5 weeks.

  5. Can you help me get my site live?

    Along with helping you with CMS, i can help with most of the things to get website live such as domain names, website hosting.