Fixing Lost your password url conflict

I ran to a weird issue with one of my client project recently. The website was built with WooCommerce for shop. Please note my client website didn’t needed account pages and during test I noticed that Lost your password? url had been changed to some random urls. Initially it was pointing to My Account Page […]

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I ran to a weird issue with one of my client project recently.

The website was built with WooCommerce for shop. Please note my client website didn’t needed account pages and during test I noticed that Lost your password? url had been changed to some random urls. Initially it was pointing to My Account Page and when I deleted this page, was pointing to /lost-password/ page. After some digging, I found both of the pages were WooCommerce default pages.

So here are steps I followed to fix the problem.

REMINDER : the website in this didn’t needed My Account pages.


  1. Delete My account page if not needed. Please delete with caution. In my case this page wasn’t needed.
  2. Go to WooCommerce
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Go to Advanced
  5. Go to Account end points
  6. Remove Lost password slug lost-password
  7. Hit Save Changes

About Author

Robin Thebe

WordPress Developer and Digital Strategist based in Sydney.

I am multi disciplined WordPress developer based in Sydney focusing around WordPress web design, wordpress development, SEO Services, SEM and Email Marketing.